If you’re moving to Taiwan and you need a place to stay, here is one website we’ve used to look for an apartment to rent: 591.com.tw. Now of course, this website is in Mandarin. If you can’t understand or read Mandarin, you want to have google chrome. Then it will translate the page to English. 🙂
Another way to look for a place is simple to ask your contact in Taiwan if they know anyone that is renting. There are tons of people over here that just buy homes and condos to rent out, but half of them will not post online. They don’t want to deal with agents.
Here are some tips for finding an apartment in Taiwan:
-Always try to bargain for a lower rent price.
– If the owners won’t budge for the price, ask them to furnish the place or add something that you would need like a dryer or air conditioning unit.
-Always walk around the area to see if it fits you (countryside, city).
-Check on the area at night to see if it’s sketchy or has homeless people.
-Don’t take too long deciding on a place, apartments go quickly in Taiwan.
-Ask how old the building is. This will save you money on your electricity bill.
I hope this helps you on your apartment hunting in Taiwan. Happy Searching!
Tina from Tina’s Tripping
Tripping over Food, Destinations, and Living Abroad