Photo of the Week

I was trying to decide which photo to display this week.   I had two in mind; “The village  on the River” on the way to Pundaquit or the “The chickens eating raw coconut” in Carcar Cebu.

I finally decided on the “Village”.

Village on the Water

Village on the Water

If you ever have a chance to go to the Capones and Camera islands in Pundaquit Zambales,  there is only one way in and out, and it is across a way one bridge.  As you cross the bridge look to the right and you will see a “Village on the River“.   Sounds like a title to a hit song.  Kind of like “Smoke on the Water” by the band Deep Purple.  Maybe I’m on to something, never mind you get the idea.   You have to be there to see it and get this shot.

Jim the Kano.


About Bowie

Like to travel in the Philippines.
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